From Individual Randomised Trials to Meta-Analyses and Treatment Guidelines

22 June 2021

Dear Colleague,

I am pleased to invite you to the next episode of our EHJ Dialogues series. This upcoming episode will be moderated by the Weekly Journal Scan Team under the leadership of Prof. Carlo Patrono. As Guest, Prof. Colin Baigent from the University of Oxford will be joining to discuss "From Individual Randomised Trials to Meta-Analyses and Treatment Guidelines".

Thursday, 24 June 2021
5pm CEST / 4 pm BST / 11 am EDT

Please register here:

Alternately, you can watch this contribution after 24 June on Youtube:

Additional Details:
Colin Baigent is Professor of Epidemiology at the University of Oxford and has been involved in the design and implementation of some of the most important trials in the cardiovascular field. He has also coordinated several Treatment Trialists’ Collaborations aimed at summarising the evidence concerning efficacy and/or safety of classes of cardiovascular drugs or drugs having unwanted cardiovascular effects.

Currently, Professor Baigent chairs the European Society of Cardiology Clinical Practice Guidelines Committee. He will share with his personal experience in linking these fundamental elements of Evidence-Based Medicine.

Once again, we are eager to receive your questions in advance. Please send us these in advance to

Kind regards,

Filippo Crea

Editor in Chief
European Heart Journal