Exploiting Spared Actions and Neuromodulation for the Rehabilitation of Chronic Stroke Patients with Spatial Neglect
Titolo / Title:
Exploiting Spared Actions and Neuromodulation for the Rehabilitation of Chronic Stroke Patients with Spatial Neglect
Quando / When:
12 Maggio 2022, ore 15:00 / 12th May 2022 at 15:00 CET
Dove / Where:
Online (Microsoft Teams)
Relatore / Speaker:
Dr Monika Harvey, School of Psychology and Neuroscience, University of Glasgow, UK
Abstract: Up to 80% of people who experience a right-hemisphere stroke suffer from hemispatial neglect, a severe visuospatial impairment, where they fail to perceive/misperceive items presented in the contralesional part of space. This syndrome is debilitating, impedes rehabilitation, and is a strong independent predictor of poor recovery.
In my talk I will present data showing that immediate on-line actions are relatively unimpaired in these neglect patients. Building on this insight, I will discuss two recent rehabilitation studies where we assessed whether these spared actions could be exploited for neglect rehabilitation a) via behavioural visuomotor feedback training or b) in a clinical trial using non-invasive brain stimulation.