Psychobiology of Cognitive Development from Infancy to Middle Childhood
Titolo / Title:
Psychobiology of Cognitive Development from Infancy to Middle Childhood
Quando / When:
3 giugno, ore 16:00 / 3 June 2021 at 16:00 CET
Dove / Where:
Online (Microsoft Teams)
Relatore / Speaker:
Martha Ann Bell, Virginia Tech
In this talk, I will discuss findings from our 10-year longitudinal study on the foundations and development of regulatory cognitive processes. I will highlight our brain (EEG) research and emphasize the parenting context. Using data from this study, I will show how very early infant attentional behaviors and brain electrophysiology lay the foundation for more complex cognition and later academic achievement.
Martha Ann Bell is University Distinguished Professor, College of Science Faculty Fellow, and Professor of Psychology at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University ("Virginia Tech"), where she has been on faculty since 1996. Dr. Bell’s research focuses on the cognitive, emotion, and psychophysiological processes associated with frontal lobe development in infants and children. Her work has been funded by the US Federal Government National Institutes of Health (NIH) since 2003, with current funding also from National Science Foundation. She was the 2020 recipient of the Rovee-Collier Mentor Award from the International Society for Developmental Psychobiology (ISDP) and the ISDP 2019 Senior Investigator Award winner. Within the past decade, her service to the profession includes elected member of the Executive Board of ISDP, elected member of the Executive Board of the American Psychology Association (Developmental division), Editor of the international journal INFANCY, and Chair of the Cognition & Perception study section at NIH. Dr. Bell is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association and of the Association for Psychological Science.